Thursday, December 4, 2008

Christmas cards are finished and the tree is up. C runs around the house singing "Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle bells". Why is it that something so simple as a child singing jingle bells can touch you right to the core of your soul like magic? It is the sweetest thing. (She loves "Saka Cause" too and thinks his big black boots are just the cat's meow.)

It is so beautiful outside today and the temperature is just right. The snow is glistening like little diamonds in the sun. Gorgeous!

I have to go through all of my files now before putting the drawers back in my desk (oh joy). Must take advantage of this wonderful time in the afternoon when C is having her beauty rest. Why is it that no matter how large the desk there is never enough space for anything. And why do we insist on shoving papers in drawers when we have FILES to store them in. Laziness I tell you its laziness. Early New Years resolution NO MORE MESSY DESK DRAWERS.

1 comment:

Beck said...

Saka Cause. Hee.
My kids have been singing Rudolph the REd-nosed reindeer over and over again for DAYS! AND DAYS! It hath lost it's charms.
Hey, I'm LOVING that cookbook! I made the Baby the Ethiopian flatbreads and knocked her socks off.