Monday, March 16, 2009

The weather has changed from a sharp, jabbing cold to beautiful and balmy. I am hoping this means an early spring and not just a tease before one last angry storm. Every year we seem to get a huge storm in the middle of spring which is quite depressing after you've just said, "So long, farewell, we bid you all Adieu." To this cold weather.

My legs are itching to bike again, run again and just enjoy the outdoors. I'm so very tired of all this snow. Beautiful as it was in December it has now turned into more of a nuisance than anything else.

All this time indoors has given me an excuse to work on my new blog. It has been lots of fun for me. Basically a permanent, public bookmark of a bunch of interesting bits of information that I come across; as well as some of my favorite recipes. Please stop by and let me know what you think. Comments and suggestions are always welcome :)!


Beck said...

Your new site is lovely! I really enjoyed looking through it yesterday.

ConverseMomma said...

Oh, I am so eager for spring. I wrote a poem about flowers, bundled my babies thick and took them to the yard. We read it allowed, just willing the world to turn green at our will. We are still waiting.